Embracing drone pilots is in the best interest of the entire aviation community
Article appeared in Flying Magazine November, 2016 Issue by Martha King
It was a whole new world to us. From the air, John and I saw the Great Plains, the Rocky Mountains, the Pacific Ocean, and what was to become our new home town in California, all on our first cross country after we got our licenses. We were hooked. From that time on our lives were different. Our love affair with flying only became more intense over time.

What makes flying so special? There are so many things. It provides such spectacular views. It allows personal travel at great speeds unimpeded by the limitations of roads. It is deeply rewarding, because it engages you so completely and uses so many aptitudes. But at the core it is the mastery of the third dimension that changes everything.
Humankind has forever yearned to fly. Only in the comparatively minuscule time since the Montgolfier brothers took to the air in their hot-air balloons has it been possible. Since then every landmark achievement in aviation has taken on great importance and been exuberantly celebrated by the world.

Flying has amplified importance on a personal basis, too. Every pilot will forever remember their first solo flight and each new rating. Mention to an acquaintance that you fly, and they’ll recall that every time they see you.
The heightened importance that flying takes on has its obvious good side, but it also has a bad side. For example, accidents that go unnoticed when they occur in a land vehicle make national news if they occur in an aircraft.
Also, there is generalized fear of anything that inhabits the third dimension. There is a ban against flying anything in the capital area no matter how small. When Doug Hughes landed on the west lawn of the Capitol building in his gyrocopter, that could barely carry him and maybe another 50 pounds, it made national news and got him a prison sentence. In contrast there is no ban on driving to the Capitol in a rental truck with a 10,000-pound payload.
Sometimes I wonder if neighborhood noise complaints aren’t actually a proxy for complaints about fear. Decades ago when our local airport wanted to extend the main runway by 1,200 feet, thousands of alarmed neighbors showed up at town meetings to complain about the noise from the airport. When noise monitors were sent to the homes of the most vociferous complainers, they were unable to measure any noise above the ambient noise from a nearby freeway.
Yet, these neighbors were clearly deeply concerned. Maybe it just seemed more reasonable and acceptable to say the noise bothered them than to say they were afraid an airplane would crash onto their house.
In addition, the third dimension also creates a concern about invasion of privacy. John and I felt this the other day when a quadcopter hovered nearby while we were in our hot tub. (Yes, we were wearing swimsuits.) The drone had a vantage point from which it could also see in our windows. It did us no harm, but we did feel it infringed on our privacy.
This made us better understand the neighbor at one of the town meetings who complained that word had obviously gotten out to pilots that his daughter liked to sunbathe in the back yard. He said airplanes were lining up to overfly his house. I think he would still feel that his privacy was infringed on even if he knew that he lived underneath the downwind leg of the airport’s traffic pattern.
Technology has now enabled a complete new way of exploring the third dimension, albeit vicariously. The result is the tidal wave of drone flying that is washing over us. It is destined to take both the good sides and bad sides of our exploitation of the third dimension to a whole new level. While after over 100 years of flying we have only about 200,000 aircraft on the FAA registry, in about six months there were 500,000 registrations for drones. And most drone owners we know say they have no plans to register theirs. The FAA forecasts that 4.8 million drones will be sold in the U.S. in 2017, and 7 million per year by 2020.
In an effort to gain some measure of control, the FAA issued Part 107, setting forth the rules for commercial operation of drones that weigh less than 55 pounds. What the FAA calls a Remote Pilot certificate is required for anyone who wants to do anything with them that makes money. To get the certificate, a non-pilot applicant just has to pass a knowledge test. You can fully expect to see a lot of commercial drone operators soon.
The good news for pilots is that you don’t even have to pass a knowledge test to get a Remote Pilot certificate. The FAA has a two-hour on-line course that includes a slam-dunk multiple choice exam in which you keep re-taking the questions until you get them right. Submit your completion certificate to the FAA and you will have “Remote Pilot” added to your pilot certificate. The bad news for pilots is that any infraction while acting as pilot-in-command of an unmanned aircraft puts your pilot certificate at risk.
This inevitable flood of drones will enable millions of people to exploit the third dimension and likely have profound effects on the aviation community. Most of the millions of drones will be used by hobbyists. Many pilots, including John and me, first explored aviation with model airplanes. Compared with the numbers for modelers, the numbers of drone pilots are exponentially greater. If even a tiny percentage of drone pilots move on to manned aircraft, the benefit to the aviation community could be huge.

At the same time drones can exacerbate concerns over fear and invasion of privacy. John and I witnessed a teenager with a drone flying over a neighbor’s yard. It didn’t take him more than five minutes to lose control of it and have it go down on the other side of the neighbor’s fence. Of course, the teenager jumped the fence to retrieve it. Had the neighbor seen this, he most certainly would have considered it an invasion of privacy. If drone pilots become thought of as bad actors, the public reaction is likely to be damaging to the aviation community as a whole.
It is in everyone’s best interest for us to embrace these new drone pilots. We should invite them to the airport, take them flying. Only by welcoming them to our community can we hope to help them fully understand the combination of joy and responsibilities that can be theirs from experiencing the third dimension directly. Maybe our aviation associations should do the same thing. Should these new pilots be members of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Experimental Aircraft Association, and National Business Aviation Association?
Part 107, the new FAA commercial drone regulation, allows drone pilots to fly UAS or UAVs for business purposes.
Dear John and Martha,
I am planning a forthcoming Air Safety piece for my firm’s blog site and for Law360 about risk management and the debate over the ACS. In my view It is the most important issue in general aviation, and you are greatly to be commended for making pilots aware of it.
You are a treasure to American aviation.
Best regards,
I live in Europe, but I love your articles and newsletters. Keep them coming!
Cheers Martha, well documented and explained, Thank you very much. This needs to be exposed
to all pilots both licensed or not……They used to promote general aviation (FAA), but now they have entirely different goals.
I suspect a fair number of people who are afraid of aircraft have some jealousy towards those who fly. Poorly written and sensationalized articles by reporters who don’t know aviation hasn’t helped either. Many of the others may simply be ignorant of how one gets off the ground, and ignorance breeds fear. While the information is out there, many folks don’t make the effort to look. (In my opinion the airlines could do a terrific job of calming passengers if they ran some articles in their magazine explaining the system. But treating passengers like children seems to be the general mantra.)