With Congress back in session, the general aviation community must continue to express its opposition to H.R. 2997 and its air traffic control (ATC) privatization plan.
Under a privatized ATC system, Congress will not be able to protect general aviation (GA) access, and these are a few ways access could be reduced:
- The private corporation could restrict GA access to airports, especially those with airline service or located in congested airspace.
- The private corporation could close towers or reduce their hours of operation.
- The private corporation could create approach/departure procedures that favor commercial airlines and restrict GA access.
The GA community has built strong representation in Congress which gives us a powerful voice on ATC related issues. This will end if privatization occurs, our only recourse will be to go before an airline dominated private board or hire lawyers.
Your member of Congress is elected to represent constituents and not airline dominated interest groups. Now is the time to Contact Congress and oppose H.R. 2997.
Go to www.atcnotforsale.com to contact your elected representatives.
I tend to be a free market guy but, privatizing ATC would be disastrous for our freedom to fly. I voice my opposition to the move every chance I get.
Best Regards,