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How Learning at Home Can Help Achieve Your Pilot Goals During Trying Times

Juggling our many responsibilities while being at home has been both challenging and rewarding.


Article appeared in the King Schools Catalog July 2020 by John & Martha King

You have certainly been impacted in many ways by COVID-19, not least of which has surely been your flying. Many unknowns remain about how all our lives will find a “new normal” but one thing is certain—flying will continue to be an important part of all of our futures.

It’s been hard to see the number of grounded airliners collecting dust while parked. Even harder is learning of the associated furloughed or laid-off pilots, when such a short time ago we were celebrating unprecedented pilot hiring. However, keeping an eye on a future when COVID-19 loses its grip on our lives and airline travel picks up again—the same forces that created the airline pilot shortage are sure to return.

Considering that it takes about 2 years for an airline pilot candidate to go from zero to hired, it appears to be a great time to start training to be ready for the next hiring boom. We are confident enough in that future to have just created a new course on how to ace an airline interview. But it really applies to an interview for any piloting job of your dreams: the KING Airline Pilot Interview Prep Course.

Meanwhile, many pilots are taking advantage of extra time at home to advance their piloting knowledge in preparation for a new certificate or rating, or to just brush up on flying topics of interest. Like so many activities in life, our piloting experiences are enhanced by greater knowledge that leads to greater competence.

Whether it’s learning more about your avionics, becoming a better risk manager, or pursuing the next addition to your pilot certificate, we have an online course that will give you a boost right from home…or when used with the King Companion app, wherever you happen to be—even if that is off the grid.

And if you need a Flight Review, you’ll appreciate knowing we just enhanced our Flight Review bundle by adding a course on Surviving Your Most Feared Flying Emergencies. You’ll impress your CFI and enhance your emergency preparedness with the insights provided.

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