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A Master Joins King Schools

For Immediate Release – December 1, 2021, San Diego, California

(L-R King Schools Co-Founders and owners John & Martha King, Brian Hough and CEO and owner Barry Knuttila) Brian Hough has joined King Schools as the Senior Vice President of Sales and Business Development.

“Learning pilots benefit greatly from Brian Hough’s approach to course design,” says King Schools CEO, Barry Knuttila. “It is similar to ours at King Schools: Make sure each component of any complex subject is clearly understood before proceeding to the next.”

Landing, which is the most daunting challenge for any new student, is an example. “No book dissects that last 50 feet,” Brian Hough says. “You need to break it down to make it easier for a student who may be overwhelmed and terrified at seeing that concrete rushing up.”

“Just flying round and round while the student tries to figure it out,” he continues, “is not an efficient way to teach. As with any complex subject matter, you have to divide it up into manageable pieces. First demonstrate and have the student control only the throttle. Then only the rudder. Then, when the student is comfortable with all the parts, put them together.”

With undergraduate and master’s degrees in aeronautics, Hough has devoted his entire career to flight training, not only of student pilots but also of flight instructors. A nationally recognized authority, he has served as Chief Instructor at several large flight schools, traveled to India and China to host seminars and develop training curricula, and designed and gained FAA approval for performance-based reduced-time Part 141 Training Course Outlines for Private and Commercial students and for the coveted Restricted ATP.  His approach to teaching landings is typical of his sensitivity to the student’s state of mind. His simple, student-centered motto says it all: “I want to see you succeed.”

In November, Hough joined King Schools as Senior Vice President of Business Development and Sales with an emphasis on further developing King’s offerings to colleges, universities, and flight schools. It’s a role for which he is perfectly suited, having been Chief Instructor at three different Cessna Pilot Center flight schools that use King Schools developed syllabi.

Hough’s previous professional position, which he occupied for eight years, was with Liberty University School of Aeronautics, where he was not only an adjunct professor and Part 141 chief instructor, but also grew Liberty’s roster of affiliated flight schools from one to 88 throughout the country. All rely on King Schools course material as part of their curriculum. He calls himself “an entrepreneurial person,” a description borne out by the growth of Liberty’s aeronautical student enrollment, which skyrocketed during his tenure from a handful to nearly 4,000.

“We’re very fortunate to have Brian join King Schools,” said CEO Barry Knuttila. “We’ve been admirers of his for many years and know that Brian will provide new ideas and capabilities that will benefit our customers in the many years ahead.”

Practicing what he preaches, Hough owned a full-motion Redbird FMX simulator, and has owned three airplanes: a Cherokee Six, a Cessna 172RG, and a twin-engine Beech Duchess. In addition to his professional work, he has served as a national council representative, volunteer judge, and chief judge at many regional and National Intercollegiate Flying Association (NIFA) events. He has also served as a state certified fire fighter, rescue specialist, first responder, and medic. At the other end of the activity range, he water skied on a show team for several years, and is a dedicated football fan.

“Brian is a very engaged person,” says King Schools Co-chairman John King. “We’re very happy to have him join us.”

Brian can be reached at Drop him a hello, and feel free to ask him questions about your flight school or university.


King Schools

3840 Calle Fortunada • San Diego, CA 92123

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